Summer Break Climbing Camp
June 2nd - July 25th
8:30AM - 2:30PM
Experience the fun and thrill of rock climbing through our Summer Break camp program!
Our camps are designed to create a supportive environment where kids can make friends, explore new skills, challenge themselves and build self-confidence.
Hoosier Heights Indy strives to provide a fun and educational experience to entertain and inspire today's youth. Join us for a day of fun and climbing!
Ages 7 to 14
PRICING (Monday-Friday)
$285/week - Member
$335/week - Non-Member
Booking 2 weeks for your Kiddo?
Use Code INDYcamps2week to Save $60!
Booking 4 weeks for your Kiddo?
Use Code INDYcamps4week to Save $120!
Want to book all 6 Weeks?
Use Code INDYcampsALLsummer to save $360!
Week One June 2rd - June 6th
Week Two June 9th - June 13th
Week Three June 16th - June 20th
Week Four June 23rd - June 27th
NO CAMP Week of 4th of July
Week Five July 7th - July 11th
NO CAMP the week of 14th of July
Week Six July 21st - July 25th
Hello Parents & Campers,
We are very excited to be hosting Week long Summer Climbing Camps here at Hoosier Heights Indianapolis during the months of June and July 2025. Each day of Summer Camp runs from 8:30am-2:30pm. Registration is available for campers ages of 7-14 years old.
There is a 6 participant registration minimum per day to run as scheduled and a 30 participant maximum registration placed per week.
Here is our base schedule for each day of camp that our counselors will reference. Depending on the day, the activities will vary.
Camper drop off starts at 8:30AM. Please walk your camper into the gym and check them in at the front desk with staff each morning. When dropping off your camper the first day you will be asked to check them in on a paper, camper sign-in-sign-out sheet, this is where you will list the 2 individuals other than yourself who you approve to pick up your child from camp throughout the week. When coming to pick up your child each day, you must enter the gym to retrieve your camper. The individual picking up your child must be on your approved list and provide their driver's license to verify identification for pick up. No camper will be released to an individual without verification of identity. Climber pick up is at 2:30PM.
Each morning before dropping off your camper please ensure they have all the items that they may need for the entirety of the camp day.
Checklist for Each day of Camp:
- Campers should wear athletic clothing for climbing and other physical activities
- Wear a pair of tennis shoes for outdoor activities and to wear while they are not climbing.
- Climbing shoes will be provided for use during camp, as supplies last. - (If your climber has their own harness and climbing shoes, they are welcome to bring them for use during camp.)
- Campers must bring a water bottle and a sack lunch
- (a refrigerator is available for use if needed).
- Water Day (TBD) Your Climber will need to bring a swimming suit, towel, and shoes that can
get wet, to change into during water activities.
The campers will not get split up, by age or skill level. We have found that in the 7-14 age range, all ages together do better during camp while around older and younger children. We do have multiple councilors during the week of camp so that they can group up and separate by desired activity if there are campers wanting to focus on different things, sometimes throughout the day.
Camp Daily Schedule Outline
8:30am-8:50am(20min.)-Welcome Campers (Once checked in, Walk them to the Party Room to put down their things)(If campers need to eat a breakfast snack they can do so at the tables downstairs at this time)
8:50 am-9:00 am(10min.)-Schedule/ Rules/ Name Game
9:00am-9:20am(20min.)- Play a group game or relay
9:20am-9:30am(10min.)- Stretch for the Day
9:30am-10:00am-(30min.)- Climbing Game
10:00am-10:20am(20min)- Climbing Knowledge Lesson/Technique
10:20am-10:50 am(30min)- Auto-Belays/Ropes
10:50am-11:20am(30min.)- Outdoor Activities
11:20pm-12:10pm(50min.)- Lunch & Movie
12:10pm-12:50pm(30min.)- Craft
12:50pm-1:20(30min.)- Bouldering
1:20pm-1:50pm(30min.)- Narnia
1:50pm-2:10pm-(20min.)- Climbing Knowledge Lesson/Technique
2:10pm-2:30-(20min.)-Clean-Up & Parent pick-up
We are looking forward to a great Summer Climbing Break!
Check out the full schedule or specific weeks below.
June 2nd - 6th
June 9th - 13th
June 16th -20th
June 23rd - 27th
July 7th - 11th
July 21st - 25th